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:heavy_check_mark: Geometry/tests/z_polygon_convexhull.test.cpp

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#define PROBLEM ""

#include "../../template.h"
#include "../basic.h"
#include "../polygon.h"

void solve() {
    int n; cin >> n;
    vector<P<long long>> g(n);
    for (auto& p : g) cin >> p;
    int idx = 0;
    FOR(i,1,n-1) if (cmpy(g[i], g[idx])) idx = i;

    cout << g.size() << endl;
    REP(i,g.size()) cout << (fixed) << setprecision(0) << g[(idx + i) % g.size()] << endl;
#line 1 "Geometry/tests/z_polygon_convexhull.test.cpp"
#define PROBLEM ""

#line 1 "template.h"
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

#define FOR(i,a,b) for(int i=(a),_b=(b); i<=_b; i++)
#define FORD(i,a,b) for(int i=(a),_b=(b); i>=_b; i--)
#define REP(i,a) for(int i=0,_a=(a); i<_a; i++)
#define EACH(it,a) for(__typeof(a.begin()) it = a.begin(); it != a.end(); ++it)

#define DEBUG(x) { cout << #x << " = "; cout << (x) << endl; }
#define PR(a,n) { cout << #a << " = "; FOR(_,1,n) cout << a[_] << ' '; cout << endl; }
#define PR0(a,n) { cout << #a << " = "; REP(_,n) cout << a[_] << ' '; cout << endl; }

#define sqr(x) ((x) * (x))

// For printing pair, container, etc.
// Copied from
template<class U, class V> ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const pair<U, V>& p) {
    return out << '(' << p.first << ", " << p.second << ')';

template<class Con, class = decltype(begin(declval<Con>()))>
typename enable_if<!is_same<Con, string>::value, ostream&>::type
operator << (ostream& out, const Con& con) {
    out << '{';
    for (auto beg = con.begin(), it = beg; it != con.end(); it++) {
        out << (it == beg ? "" : ", ") << *it;
    return out << '}';
template<size_t i, class T> ostream& print_tuple_utils(ostream& out, const T& tup) {
    if constexpr(i == tuple_size<T>::value) return out << ")"; 
    else return print_tuple_utils<i + 1, T>(out << (i ? ", " : "(") << get<i>(tup), tup); 
template<class ...U> ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const tuple<U...>& t) {
    return print_tuple_utils<0, tuple<U...>>(out, t);

mt19937_64 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
long long get_rand(long long r) {
    return uniform_int_distribution<long long> (0, r-1)(rng);

template<typename T>
vector<T> read_vector(int n) {
    vector<T> res(n);
    for (int& x : res) cin >> x;
    return res;

void solve();

int main() {
    ios::sync_with_stdio(0); cin.tie(0);
    return 0;
#line 2 "Geometry/basic.h"

// Basic geometry objects: Point, Line, Segment
// Works with both integers and floating points
// Unless the problem has precision issue, can use Point, which uses double
// and has more functionalities.
// For integers, can use P<long long>

#ifndef EPS  // allow test files to overwrite EPS
#define EPS 1e-6

const double PI = acos(-1.0l);

double DEG_to_RAD(double d) { return d * PI / 180.0; }
double RAD_to_DEG(double r) { return r * 180.0 / PI; }

inline int cmp(double a, double b) {
    return (a < b - EPS) ? -1 : ((a > b + EPS) ? 1 : 0);

// for int types
template<typename T, typename std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type * = nullptr>
inline int cmp(T a, T b) {
    return (a == b) ? 0 : (a < b) ? -1 : 1;

template<typename T>
struct P {
    T x, y;
    P() { x = y = T(0); }
    P(T _x, T _y) : x(_x), y(_y) {}

    P operator + (const P& a) const { return P(x+a.x, y+a.y); }
    P operator - (const P& a) const { return P(x-a.x, y-a.y); }
    P operator * (T k) const { return P(x*k, y*k); }
    P<double> operator / (double k) const { return P(x/k, y/k); }

    T operator * (const P& a) const { return x*a.x + y*a.y; } // dot product
    T operator % (const P& a) const { return x*a.y - y*a.x; } // cross product

    int cmp(const P<T>& q) const { if (int t = ::cmp(x,q.x)) return t; return ::cmp(y,q.y); }

    #define Comp(x) bool operator x (const P& q) const { return cmp(q) x 0; }
    Comp(>) Comp(<) Comp(==) Comp(>=) Comp(<=) Comp(!=)
    #undef Comp

    T norm() { return x*x + y*y; }

    // Note: There are 2 ways for implementing len():
    // 1. sqrt(norm()) --> fast, but inaccurate (produce some values that are of order X^2)
    // 2. hypot(x, y) --> slow, but much more accurate
    double len() { return hypot(x, y); }

    P<double> rotate(double alpha) {
        double cosa = cos(alpha), sina = sin(alpha);
        return P(x * cosa - y * sina, x * sina + y * cosa);
using Point = P<double>;

// Compare points by (y, x)
template<typename T = double>
bool cmpy(const P<T>& a, const P<T>& b) {
    if (cmp(a.y, b.y)) return a.y < b.y;
    return a.x < b.x;

template<typename T>
int ccw(P<T> a, P<T> b, P<T> c) {
    return cmp((b-a)%(c-a), T(0));

int RE_TRAI = ccw(P<int>(0, 0), P<int>(0, 1), P<int>(-1, 1));
int RE_PHAI = ccw(P<int>(0, 0), P<int>(0, 1), P<int>(1, 1));

template<typename T>
istream& operator >> (istream& cin, P<T>& p) {
    cin >> p.x >> p.y;
    return cin;
template<typename T>
ostream& operator << (ostream& cout, const P<T>& p) {
    cout << p.x << ' ' << p.y;
    return cout;

double angle(Point a, Point o, Point b) { // min of directed angle AOB & BOA
    a = a - o; b = b - o;
    return acos((a * b) / sqrt(a.norm()) / sqrt(b.norm()));

double directed_angle(Point a, Point o, Point b) { // angle AOB, in range [0, 2*PI)
    double t = -atan2(a.y - o.y, a.x - o.x)
            + atan2(b.y - o.y, b.x - o.x);
    while (t < 0) t += 2*PI;
    return t;

// Distance from p to Line ab (closest Point --> c)
// i.e. c is projection of p on AB
double distToLine(Point p, Point a, Point b, Point &c) {
    Point ap = p - a, ab = b - a;
    double u = (ap * ab) / ab.norm();
    c = a + (ab * u);
    return (p-c).len();

// Distance from p to segment ab (closest Point --> c)
double distToLineSegment(Point p, Point a, Point b, Point &c) {
    Point ap = p - a, ab = b - a;
    double u = (ap * ab) / ab.norm();
    if (u < 0.0) {
        c = Point(a.x, a.y);
        return (p - a).len();
    if (u > 1.0) {
        c = Point(b.x, b.y);
        return (p - b).len();
    return distToLine(p, a, b, c);

// NOTE: WILL NOT WORK WHEN a = b = 0.
struct Line {
    double a, b, c;  // ax + by + c = 0
    Point A, B;  // Added for polygon intersect line. Do not rely on assumption that these are valid

    Line(double _a, double _b, double _c) : a(_a), b(_b), c(_c) {} 

    Line(Point _A, Point _B) : A(_A), B(_B) {
        a = B.y - A.y;
        b = A.x - B.x;
        c = - (a * A.x + b * A.y);
    Line(Point P, double m) {
        a = -m; b = 1;
        c = -((a * P.x) + (b * P.y));
    double f(Point p) {
        return a*p.x + b*p.y + c;
ostream& operator << (ostream& cout, const Line& l) {
    cout << l.a << "*x + " << l.b << "*y + " << l.c;
    return cout;

bool areParallel(Line l1, Line l2) {
    return cmp(l1.a*l2.b, l1.b*l2.a) == 0;

bool areSame(Line l1, Line l2) {
    return areParallel(l1 ,l2) && cmp(l1.c*l2.a, l2.c*l1.a) == 0
                && cmp(l1.c*l2.b, l1.b*l2.c) == 0;

bool areIntersect(Line l1, Line l2, Point &p) {
    if (areParallel(l1, l2)) return false;
    double dx = l1.b*l2.c - l2.b*l1.c;
    double dy = l1.c*l2.a - l2.c*l1.a;
    double d  = l1.a*l2.b - l2.a*l1.b;
    p = Point(dx/d, dy/d);
    return true;

// closest point from p in line l.
void closestPoint(Line l, Point p, Point &ans) {
    if (fabs(l.b) < EPS) {
        ans.x = -(l.c) / l.a; ans.y = p.y;
    if (fabs(l.a) < EPS) {
        ans.x = p.x; ans.y = -(l.c) / l.b;
    Line perp(l.b, -l.a, - (l.b*p.x - l.a*p.y));
    areIntersect(l, perp, ans);

// Segment intersect
// Tested:
// -
// returns true if p is on segment [a, b]
template<typename T>
bool onSegment(const P<T>& a, const P<T>& b, const P<T>& p) {
    return ccw(a, b, p) == 0
        && min(a.x, b.x) <= p.x && p.x <= max(a.x, b.x)
        && min(a.y, b.y) <= p.y && p.y <= max(a.y, b.y);

// Returns true if segment [a, b] and [c, d] intersects
// End point also returns true
template<typename T>
bool segmentIntersect(const P<T>& a, const P<T>& b, const P<T>& c, const P<T>& d) {
    if (onSegment(a, b, c)
            || onSegment(a, b, d)
            || onSegment(c, d, a)
            || onSegment(c, d, b)) {
        return true;

    return ccw(a, b, c) * ccw(a, b, d) < 0
        && ccw(c, d, a) * ccw(c, d, b) < 0;
#line 1 "Geometry/polygon.h"
// Polygon: convex hull, in polygon, convex diameter ..
// Functions with param vector<P<T>> works with both integers and floating points
// Functions with param Polygon works with floating points only.

typedef vector< Point > Polygon;

// Convex Hull:
// If minimum point --> #define REMOVE_REDUNDANT
// Known issues:
// - Max. point does not work when some points are the same.
// Tested:
// - (min points)
// - (max points)

template<typename T>
T area2(P<T> a, P<T> b, P<T> c) { return a%b + b%c + c%a; }

template<typename T>
void ConvexHull(vector<P<T>> &pts) {
    sort(pts.begin(), pts.end());
    pts.erase(unique(pts.begin(), pts.end()), pts.end());
    vector<P<T>> up, dn;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) pts.size(); i++) {
        while (up.size() > 1 && area2(up[up.size()-2], up.back(), pts[i]) >= 0) up.pop_back();
        while (dn.size() > 1 && area2(dn[dn.size()-2], dn.back(), pts[i]) <= 0) dn.pop_back();
        while (up.size() > 1 && area2(up[up.size()-2], up.back(), pts[i]) > 0) up.pop_back();
        while (dn.size() > 1 && area2(dn[dn.size()-2], dn.back(), pts[i]) < 0) dn.pop_back();
    pts = dn;
    for (int i = (int) up.size() - 2; i >= 1; i--) pts.push_back(up[i]);
    if (pts.size() <= 2) return;
    for (int i = 2; i < (int) pts.size(); i++) {
        if (onSegment(dn[dn.size()-2], pts[i], dn.back())) dn.pop_back();
    if (dn.size() >= 3 && onSegment(dn.back(), dn[1], dn[0])) {
        dn[0] = dn.back();
    pts = dn;

// Area, perimeter, centroid
template<typename T>
T signed_area2(vector<P<T>> p) {
    T area(0);
    for(int i = 0; i < (int) p.size(); i++) {
        area += p[i] % p[(i + 1) % p.size()];
    return area;
double area(const Polygon &p) {
    return std::abs(signed_area2(p) / 2.0);
Point centroid(Polygon p) {
    Point c(0,0);
    double scale = 3.0 * signed_area2(p);
    for (int i = 0; i < (int) p.size(); i++){
        int j = (i+1) % p.size();
        c = c + (p[i]+p[j])*(p[i].x*p[j].y - p[j].x*p[i].y);
    return c / scale;
double perimeter(Polygon p) {
    double res = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int) p.size(); ++i) {
        int j = (i + 1) % p.size();
        res += (p[i] - p[j]).len();
    return res;

// Is convex: checks if polygon is convex.
// Return true for degen points (all vertices are collinear)
template<typename T>
bool is_convex(const vector<P<T>> &P) {
    int sz = (int) P.size();
    int min_ccw = 2, max_ccw = -2;
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        int c = ccw(P[i], P[(i+1) % sz], P[(i+2) % sz]);
        min_ccw = min(min_ccw, c);
        max_ccw = max(max_ccw, c);
    return min_ccw * max_ccw >= 0;

// Inside polygon: O(N). Works with any polygon
// Tested:
// -
// -
enum PolygonLocation { OUT, ON, IN };
PolygonLocation in_polygon(const Polygon &p, Point q) {
    if ((int)p.size() == 0) return PolygonLocation::OUT;

    // Check if point is on edge.
    int n = p.size();
    REP(i,n) {
        int j = (i + 1) % n;
        Point u = p[i], v = p[j];

        if (u > v) swap(u, v);

        if (ccw(u, v, q) == 0 && u <= q && q <= v) return PolygonLocation::ON;

    // Check if point is strictly inside.
    int c = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int j = (i + 1) % n;
        if (((p[i].y <= q.y && q.y < p[j].y)
                    || (p[j].y <= q.y && q.y < p[i].y))
                && q.x < p[i].x + (p[j].x - p[i].x) * (q.y - p[i].y) / (double) (p[j].y - p[i].y)) {
            c = !c;
    return c ? PolygonLocation::IN : PolygonLocation::OUT;

// Check point in convex polygon, O(logN)
#define Det(a,b,c) ((double)(b.x-a.x)*(double)(c.y-a.y)-(double)(b.y-a.y)*(c.x-a.x))
PolygonLocation in_convex(vector<Point>& l, Point p){
    if (l.empty()) return PolygonLocation::OUT;
    if (l.size() <= 2) {
        return onSegment(l[0], l[1 % l.size()], p) ? PolygonLocation::ON : PolygonLocation::OUT;

    int a = 1, b = l.size()-1, c;
    if (Det(l[0], l[a], l[b]) > 0) swap(a,b);

    if (onSegment(l[0], l[a], p)) return ON;
    if (onSegment(l[0], l[b], p)) return ON;

    if (Det(l[0], l[a], p) > 0 || Det(l[0], l[b], p) < 0) return OUT;
    while(abs(a-b) > 1) {
        c = (a+b)/2;
        if (Det(l[0], l[c], p) > 0) b = c; else a = c;
    int t = cmp(Det(l[a], l[b], p), 0);
    return (t == 0) ? ON : (t < 0) ? IN : OUT;

// Cut a polygon with a line. Returns half on left-hand-side.
// To return the other half, reverse the direction of Line l (by negating l.a, l.b)
// The line must be formed using 2 points
Polygon polygon_cut(const Polygon& P, Line l) {
    Polygon Q;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int) P.size(); ++i) {
        Point A = P[i], B = (i == ((int) P.size())-1) ? P[0] : P[i+1];
        if (ccw(l.A, l.B, A) != -1) Q.push_back(A);
        if (ccw(l.A, l.B, A)*ccw(l.A, l.B, B) < 0) {
            Point p; areIntersect(Line(A, B), l, p);
    return Q;

// Find intersection of 2 convex polygons
// Helper method
bool intersect_1pt(Point a, Point b,
    Point c, Point d, Point &r) {
    double D =  (b - a) % (d - c);
    if (cmp(D, 0) == 0) return false;
    double t =  ((c - a) % (d - c)) / D;
    double s = -((a - c) % (b - a)) / D;
    r = a + (b - a) * t;
    return cmp(t, 0) >= 0 && cmp(t, 1) <= 0 && cmp(s, 0) >= 0 && cmp(s, 1) <= 0;
Polygon convex_intersect(Polygon P, Polygon Q) {
    const int n = P.size(), m = Q.size();
    int a = 0, b = 0, aa = 0, ba = 0;
    enum { Pin, Qin, Unknown } in = Unknown;
    Polygon R;
    do {
        int a1 = (a+n-1) % n, b1 = (b+m-1) % m;
        double C = (P[a] - P[a1]) % (Q[b] - Q[b1]);
        double A = (P[a1] - Q[b]) % (P[a] - Q[b]);
        double B = (Q[b1] - P[a]) % (Q[b] - P[a]);
        Point r;
        if (intersect_1pt(P[a1], P[a], Q[b1], Q[b], r)) {
            if (in == Unknown) aa = ba = 0;
            R.push_back( r );
            in = B > 0 ? Pin : A > 0 ? Qin : in;
        if (C == 0 && B == 0 && A == 0) {
            if (in == Pin) { b = (b + 1) % m; ++ba; }
            else            { a = (a + 1) % m; ++aa; }
        } else if (C >= 0) {
            if (A > 0) { if (in == Pin) R.push_back(P[a]); a = (a+1)%n; ++aa; }
            else       { if (in == Qin) R.push_back(Q[b]); b = (b+1)%m; ++ba; }
        } else {
            if (B > 0) { if (in == Qin) R.push_back(Q[b]); b = (b+1)%m; ++ba; }
            else       { if (in == Pin) R.push_back(P[a]); a = (a+1)%n; ++aa; }
    } while ( (aa < n || ba < m) && aa < 2*n && ba < 2*m );
    if (in == Unknown) {
        if (in_convex(Q, P[0])) return P;
        if (in_convex(P, Q[0])) return Q;
    return R;

// Find the diameter of polygon.
// Returns:
// <diameter, <ids of 2 points>>
pair<double, pair<int,int>> convex_diameter(const Polygon &p) {
    const int n = p.size();
    int is = 0, js = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
        if (p[i].y > p[is].y) is = i;
        if (p[i].y < p[js].y) js = i;
    double maxd = (p[is]-p[js]).len();
    int i, maxi, j, maxj;
    i = maxi = is;
    j = maxj = js;
    do {
        int ii = (i+1) % n, jj = (j+1) % n;
        if ((p[ii] - p[i]) % (p[jj] - p[j]) >= 0) j = jj;
        else i = ii;
        if ((p[i] - p[j]).len() > maxd) {
            maxd = (p[i] - p[j]).len();
            maxi = i;
            maxj = j;
    } while (i != is || j != js);
    return {maxd, std::minmax(maxi, maxj)}; /* farthest pair is (maxi, maxj). */

// Pick theorem
// Given non-intersecting polygon.
// S = area
// I = number of integer points strictly Inside
// B = number of points on sides of polygon
// S = I + B/2 - 1
#line 6 "Geometry/tests/z_polygon_convexhull.test.cpp"

void solve() {
    int n; cin >> n;
    vector<P<long long>> g(n);
    for (auto& p : g) cin >> p;
    int idx = 0;
    FOR(i,1,n-1) if (cmpy(g[i], g[idx])) idx = i;

    cout << g.size() << endl;
    REP(i,g.size()) cout << (fixed) << setprecision(0) << g[(idx + i) % g.size()] << endl;
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