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:heavy_check_mark: Geometry/circle.h

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struct Circle : Point {
    double r;
    Circle(double _x = 0, double _y = 0, double _r = 0) : Point(_x, _y), r(_r) {}
    Circle(Point p, double _r) : Point(p), r(_r) {}
    bool contains(Point p) { return (*this - p).len() <= r + EPS; }

    double area() const { return r*r*M_PI; }

    // definitions in
    // assumption: 0 <= theta <= 2*PI
    // theta: angle in radian
    double sector_area(double theta) const {
        return 0.5 * r * r * theta;

    // assumption: 0 <= theta <= 2*PI
    // theta: angle in radian
    double segment_area(double theta) const {
        return 0.5 * r * r * (theta - sin(theta));
istream& operator >> (istream& cin, Circle& c) {
    cin >> c.x >> c.y >> c.r;
    return cin;
ostream& operator << (ostream& cout, const Circle& c) {
    cout << '(' << c.x << ", " << c.y << ") " << c.r;
    return cout;

// Find common tangents to 2 circles
// Tested:
// - - H
// Helper method
void tangents(Point c, double r1, double r2, vector<Line> & ans) {
    double r = r2 - r1;
    double z = sqr(c.x) + sqr(c.y);
    double d = z - sqr(r);
    if (d < -EPS)  return;
    d = sqrt(fabs(d));
    Line l((c.x * r + c.y * d) / z,
            (c.y * r - c.x * d) / z,
// Actual method: returns vector containing all common tangents
vector<Line> tangents(Circle a, Circle b) {
    vector<Line> ans; ans.clear();
    for (int i=-1; i<=1; i+=2)
        for (int j=-1; j<=1; j+=2)
            tangents(b-a, a.r*i, b.r*j, ans);
    for(int i = 0; i < (int) ans.size(); ++i)
        ans[i].c -= ans[i].a * a.x + ans[i].b * a.y;

    vector<Line> ret;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int) ans.size(); ++i) {
        if (std::none_of(ret.begin(), ret.end(), [&] (Line l) { return areSame(l, ans[i]); })) {
    return ret;

// Circle & line intersection
// Tested:
// - - H
vector<Point> intersection(Line l, Circle cir) {
    double r = cir.r, a = l.a, b = l.b, c = l.c + l.a*cir.x + l.b*cir.y;
    vector<Point> res;

    double x0 = -a*c/(a*a+b*b),  y0 = -b*c/(a*a+b*b);
    if (c*c > r*r*(a*a+b*b)+EPS) return res;
    else if (fabs(c*c - r*r*(a*a+b*b)) < EPS) {
        res.push_back(Point(x0, y0) + Point(cir.x, cir.y));
        return res;
    } else {
        double d = r*r - c*c/(a*a+b*b);
        double mult = sqrt (d / (a*a+b*b));
        double ax,ay,bx,by;
        ax = x0 + b * mult;
        bx = x0 - b * mult;
        ay = y0 - a * mult;
        by = y0 + a * mult;

        res.push_back(Point(ax, ay) + Point(cir.x, cir.y));
        res.push_back(Point(bx, by) + Point(cir.x, cir.y));
        return res;

// helper functions for commonCircleArea
double cir_area_solve(double a, double b, double c) {
    return acos((a*a + b*b - c*c) / 2 / a / b);
double cir_area_cut(double a, double r) {
    double s1 = a * r * r / 2;
    double s2 = sin(a) * r * r / 2;
    return s1 - s2;
// Tested:
double commonCircleArea(Circle c1, Circle c2) { //return the common area of two circle
    if (c1.r < c2.r) swap(c1, c2);
    double d = (c1 - c2).len();
    if (d + c2.r <= c1.r + EPS) return c2.r*c2.r*M_PI;
    if (d >= c1.r + c2.r - EPS) return 0.0;
    double a1 = cir_area_solve(d, c1.r, c2.r);
    double a2 = cir_area_solve(d, c2.r, c1.r);
    return cir_area_cut(a1*2, c1.r) + cir_area_cut(a2*2, c2.r);

// Check if 2 circle intersects. Return true if 2 circles touch
bool areIntersect(Circle u, Circle v) {
    if (cmp((u - v).len(), u.r + v.r) > 0) return false;
    if (cmp((u - v).len() + v.r, u.r) < 0) return false;
    if (cmp((u - v).len() + u.r, v.r) < 0) return false;
    return true;

// If 2 circle touches, will return 2 (same) points
// If 2 circle are same --> be careful
// Tested:
// - - H
// - - I
vector<Point> circleIntersect(Circle u, Circle v) {
    vector<Point> res;
    if (!areIntersect(u, v)) return res;
    double d = (u - v).len();
    double alpha = acos((u.r * u.r + d*d - v.r * v.r) / 2.0 / u.r / d);

    Point p1 = (v - u).rotate(alpha);
    Point p2 = (v - u).rotate(-alpha);
    res.push_back(p1 / p1.len() * u.r + u);
    res.push_back(p2 / p2.len() * u.r + u);
    return res;
#line 1 "Geometry/circle.h"
struct Circle : Point {
    double r;
    Circle(double _x = 0, double _y = 0, double _r = 0) : Point(_x, _y), r(_r) {}
    Circle(Point p, double _r) : Point(p), r(_r) {}
    bool contains(Point p) { return (*this - p).len() <= r + EPS; }

    double area() const { return r*r*M_PI; }

    // definitions in
    // assumption: 0 <= theta <= 2*PI
    // theta: angle in radian
    double sector_area(double theta) const {
        return 0.5 * r * r * theta;

    // assumption: 0 <= theta <= 2*PI
    // theta: angle in radian
    double segment_area(double theta) const {
        return 0.5 * r * r * (theta - sin(theta));
istream& operator >> (istream& cin, Circle& c) {
    cin >> c.x >> c.y >> c.r;
    return cin;
ostream& operator << (ostream& cout, const Circle& c) {
    cout << '(' << c.x << ", " << c.y << ") " << c.r;
    return cout;

// Find common tangents to 2 circles
// Tested:
// - - H
// Helper method
void tangents(Point c, double r1, double r2, vector<Line> & ans) {
    double r = r2 - r1;
    double z = sqr(c.x) + sqr(c.y);
    double d = z - sqr(r);
    if (d < -EPS)  return;
    d = sqrt(fabs(d));
    Line l((c.x * r + c.y * d) / z,
            (c.y * r - c.x * d) / z,
// Actual method: returns vector containing all common tangents
vector<Line> tangents(Circle a, Circle b) {
    vector<Line> ans; ans.clear();
    for (int i=-1; i<=1; i+=2)
        for (int j=-1; j<=1; j+=2)
            tangents(b-a, a.r*i, b.r*j, ans);
    for(int i = 0; i < (int) ans.size(); ++i)
        ans[i].c -= ans[i].a * a.x + ans[i].b * a.y;

    vector<Line> ret;
    for(int i = 0; i < (int) ans.size(); ++i) {
        if (std::none_of(ret.begin(), ret.end(), [&] (Line l) { return areSame(l, ans[i]); })) {
    return ret;

// Circle & line intersection
// Tested:
// - - H
vector<Point> intersection(Line l, Circle cir) {
    double r = cir.r, a = l.a, b = l.b, c = l.c + l.a*cir.x + l.b*cir.y;
    vector<Point> res;

    double x0 = -a*c/(a*a+b*b),  y0 = -b*c/(a*a+b*b);
    if (c*c > r*r*(a*a+b*b)+EPS) return res;
    else if (fabs(c*c - r*r*(a*a+b*b)) < EPS) {
        res.push_back(Point(x0, y0) + Point(cir.x, cir.y));
        return res;
    } else {
        double d = r*r - c*c/(a*a+b*b);
        double mult = sqrt (d / (a*a+b*b));
        double ax,ay,bx,by;
        ax = x0 + b * mult;
        bx = x0 - b * mult;
        ay = y0 - a * mult;
        by = y0 + a * mult;

        res.push_back(Point(ax, ay) + Point(cir.x, cir.y));
        res.push_back(Point(bx, by) + Point(cir.x, cir.y));
        return res;

// helper functions for commonCircleArea
double cir_area_solve(double a, double b, double c) {
    return acos((a*a + b*b - c*c) / 2 / a / b);
double cir_area_cut(double a, double r) {
    double s1 = a * r * r / 2;
    double s2 = sin(a) * r * r / 2;
    return s1 - s2;
// Tested:
double commonCircleArea(Circle c1, Circle c2) { //return the common area of two circle
    if (c1.r < c2.r) swap(c1, c2);
    double d = (c1 - c2).len();
    if (d + c2.r <= c1.r + EPS) return c2.r*c2.r*M_PI;
    if (d >= c1.r + c2.r - EPS) return 0.0;
    double a1 = cir_area_solve(d, c1.r, c2.r);
    double a2 = cir_area_solve(d, c2.r, c1.r);
    return cir_area_cut(a1*2, c1.r) + cir_area_cut(a2*2, c2.r);

// Check if 2 circle intersects. Return true if 2 circles touch
bool areIntersect(Circle u, Circle v) {
    if (cmp((u - v).len(), u.r + v.r) > 0) return false;
    if (cmp((u - v).len() + v.r, u.r) < 0) return false;
    if (cmp((u - v).len() + u.r, v.r) < 0) return false;
    return true;

// If 2 circle touches, will return 2 (same) points
// If 2 circle are same --> be careful
// Tested:
// - - H
// - - I
vector<Point> circleIntersect(Circle u, Circle v) {
    vector<Point> res;
    if (!areIntersect(u, v)) return res;
    double d = (u - v).len();
    double alpha = acos((u.r * u.r + d*d - v.r * v.r) / 2.0 / u.r / d);

    Point p1 = (v - u).rotate(alpha);
    Point p2 = (v - u).rotate(-alpha);
    res.push_back(p1 / p1.len() * u.r + u);
    res.push_back(p2 / p2.len() * u.r + u);
    return res;
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