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:warning: Misc/two_pointers.h


// O(N) 2 pointers
// Find *smallest* substring that satisfy a predicate while minimizing a cost function
// (when not satisfy -> expand -> assume expand is always valid)
// - pred() = whether current segment satisfy condition
// - cost(l, r) = cost of [l, r]
// - add(i) = add i to current segment
// - rem(i) = remove i from current segment
// - indices from 0 to n-1
// Returns: <best cost, left, right> where [left, right] is substring with
//   mincost or [-1, -1] if no solution
// Tested:
// -
// Two pointers (smallest substring) {{{
template<typename Pred, typename Cost, typename Add, typename Rem>
tuple<long long, int, int> two_pointers(int n, Pred pred, Cost cost, Add add, Rem rem) {
    tuple<long long, int, int> res {LLONG_MAX, -1, -1};

    // current window is [l, r]
    for (int l = 0, r = -1; l < n; ++l) {
        while (r+1 < n && !pred()) {
        if (pred()) {
            res = min(res, {cost(l, r), l, r});
    return res;
// }}}
#line 1 "Misc/two_pointers.h"
// O(N) 2 pointers
// Find *smallest* substring that satisfy a predicate while minimizing a cost function
// (when not satisfy -> expand -> assume expand is always valid)
// - pred() = whether current segment satisfy condition
// - cost(l, r) = cost of [l, r]
// - add(i) = add i to current segment
// - rem(i) = remove i from current segment
// - indices from 0 to n-1
// Returns: <best cost, left, right> where [left, right] is substring with
//   mincost or [-1, -1] if no solution
// Tested:
// -
// Two pointers (smallest substring) {{{
template<typename Pred, typename Cost, typename Add, typename Rem>
tuple<long long, int, int> two_pointers(int n, Pred pred, Cost cost, Add add, Rem rem) {
    tuple<long long, int, int> res {LLONG_MAX, -1, -1};

    // current window is [l, r]
    for (int l = 0, r = -1; l < n; ++l) {
        while (r+1 < n && !pred()) {
        if (pred()) {
            res = min(res, {cost(l, r), l, r});
    return res;
// }}}
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